
Module 4 C: Three-Year State Plan: Data Analysis/Strategic Planning With State Advisory Groups

Event Information

Event date
Add to Calendar 2021-03-23 14:00:00 2021-03-23 16:00:00 Module 4 C: Three-Year State Plan: Data Analysis/Strategic Planning With State Advisory Groups In this module:  Participants will identify options for engaging the State Advisory Group (SAG) in conducting a statewide crime analysis and developing priorities by: reviewing the data collected; determining priorities; and developing goals, objectives, and measurable outcomes for each priority. Participants will be able to guide their SAG during its strategic planning process of setting priorities, goals, objectives, and measurements of progress by taking account of: scientific knowledge regarding adolescent development and behavior, and the effects of delinquency prevention programs and juvenile justice interventions on adolescents. Location Collaboration Site blitke@air.org America/New_York private
End Date
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In this module: 

  • Participants will identify options for engaging the State Advisory Group (SAG) in conducting a statewide crime analysis and developing priorities by:
    • reviewing the data collected;
    • determining priorities; and
    • developing goals, objectives, and measurable outcomes for each priority.
  • Participants will be able to guide their SAG during its strategic planning process of setting priorities, goals, objectives, and measurements of progress by taking account of:
    • scientific knowledge regarding adolescent development and behavior, and
    • the effects of delinquency prevention programs and juvenile justice interventions on adolescents.