

CJJR Rural Tool-Kit Virtual Session

Join CCAS’s partner the Center for Juvenile Justice Reform for a Rural Chat to learn more about the Common Problems, Common Solutions: Looking Across Sectors at Strategies for Supporting Rural Youth and Families Tool-Kit and hear how Maine is bringing services to…
Event Type

Module 6B: Grant Management Responsibilities as a Passthrough Entity and Monitoring Responsibilities of DSA

Through attending this module, participants will: Understand the roles and responsibilities of the DSA as a passthrough entity for Title II funding Understand the process for managing subgrants and contracts for fiscal and programmatic compliance Understand the…
Event Type

Module 6A: An Overview of Racial and Ethnic Disparities/Managing Title II Formula Grant Funding

Through attending this module, participants will: Understand their roles and responsibilities in addressing compliance with the racial and ethnic disparities (RED) core requirement Understand the process for managing federal grant funds for fiscal and…
Event Type

Module 4 C: Three-Year State Plan: Data Analysis/Strategic Planning With State Advisory Groups

In this module:  Participants will identify options for engaging the State Advisory Group (SAG) in conducting a statewide crime analysis and developing priorities by: reviewing the data collected; determining priorities; and developing goals,…
Event Type

Module 4B: Three-Year State Plan- Developing a Juvenile Crime Analysis

Learning objectives: Participants will understand the process for conducting a crime analysis as part of the Three-year State Plan. Participants will learn what juvenile justice data, from delinquency prevention through parole/transfer to adult court, should be…
Event Type