
This website offers virtual group space for you to interact with your colleagues in other states and territories. The communities allow you to start or contribute to a discussion, add a resource, or share an event.

31 resources
193 members
Last update: 3/5/2024

The Compliance Monitors Community provides a forum for connecting with peers and sharing innovative ideas, information, and resources for establishing an effective system of monitoring to achieve and sustain compliance with the core requirements o

45 resources
174 members
Last update: 3/14/2024

The Juvenile Justice Specialists Community provides a forum for specialists to connect with peers and share ideas, information, and resources for administering the Title II Formula Grants Program.

29 resources
148 members
Last update: 9/19/2023

The Racial and Ethnic Disparities Coordinator Community provides a forum for connecting with peers and sharing innovative ideas, information, and resources for implementing policy, practice, and system improvement strategies at the state, territor

26 resources
126 members
Last update: 3/14/2024

The State Advisory Group Chairs Community provides a forum for connecting with peers in other states and territories and for sharing innovative ideas, information, and resources.