
Module 6A: An Overview of Racial and Ethnic Disparities/Managing Title II Formula Grant Funding

Event Information

Event date
Add to Calendar 2021-05-18 14:00:00 2021-05-18 16:00:00 Module 6A: An Overview of Racial and Ethnic Disparities/Managing Title II Formula Grant Funding Through attending this module, participants will: Understand their roles and responsibilities in addressing compliance with the racial and ethnic disparities (RED) core requirement Understand the process for managing federal grant funds for fiscal and programmatic compliance Understand the requirements for programmatic and fiscal reporting Location Collaboration Site blitke@air.org America/New_York private
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Through attending this module, participants will:

  • Understand their roles and responsibilities in addressing compliance with the racial and ethnic disparities (RED) core requirement
  • Understand the process for managing federal grant funds for fiscal and programmatic compliance
  • Understand the requirements for programmatic and fiscal reporting